Phages in Roscoff 2021

The symposium "PHAGES in Roscoff" will take place on October 11 and 12, 2021 at the marine station of Roscoff (Sorbonne University, CNRS). After Montpellier-2015, Marseille-2016, Gif-sur-Yvette-2017, Bordeaux-2018, Grenoble-2019, this is the sixth symposium on phages, organized by the network (   

The objective of this symposium is to gather the French community involved in bacteriophage research and we will welcome our international counterparts. The topics discussed will promote scientific interactions between teams working in various and complementary fields: 

- Ecology and Evolution

- Cellular and molecular interactions

- Therapy and biocontrol

The presentations will be given orally or as a poster. All presentations will be given in English. In addition, four scientists specializing in bacteriophages will give a plenary lecture:

Joshua Weitz is a Professor at Georgia Tech (Atlanta, USA). As physicist, Joshua studies the structure and dynamics of complex biological systems. He is particularly interested in the role of viruses in the environment and in human health by combining mathematical modeling, physics, computer science and biology.

Aude Bernheim is a researcher at the IAME (Infection Antimicrobials Modelling Evolution, INSERM, Paris). Her research focuses on bacterial immunity to phages using integrated bioinformatics and genetics approaches. More specifically, she explores the conservation between eukaryotic and prokaryotic immune systems to discover new aspects of the biology of antiphage systems and new anti-viral molecules.

Adeline Goulet, leads a research group at AFMB (Architecture and Function of Biological Macromolecules, CNRS, Marseille) on the understanding of the molecular mechanisms of phage infection (host recognition, wall perforation and hijacking of the bacterial machinery). His research interests include anti-Crispr-Cas9 proteins and siphophages infecting Gram-positive bacteria.

Yves Briers is an associate professor at the University of Ghent (Belgium). His research focuses on the synthetic biology of modular proteins. Part of his work consists in combining different protein modules from phages in order to create new personalized antibacterial substances and to contribute to the progress of phage therapy.



The conference will take place in the conference room of the marine station at Roscoff. We will start on Monday, October 11 at 8:30 am, and end on Tuesday, October 12 at 12:00 pm, so that everyone can leave this little paradise that is Roscoff (probably with a lot of sadness).

To come to Roscoff, there are two solutions: i) by train Paris-Morlaix, 3h40 then count 35-45 minutes of bus for arrival in Roscoff. Be sure to check that your arrival in Morlaix allows you to take a bus afterwards to; ii) by plane (but think of the planet!), arrival in Brest, then cab to Roscoff, count 45 minutes (and 50 euros).

Accommodation, there are several very nice hotels in Roscoff. Everyone has to book and pay for their own accommodation. Make sure to specify that you are coming for a CNRS conference in order to obtain negotiated rates (65 euros/night, breakfast and tourist tax included). The accepted means of payment are cheques, credit card, cash. Here is a list of hotels that offer these rates:

 Registration to the symposium is free but mandatory for all, see tab Navigation/Registration on the left.

The network offer of lunch and dinner (Monday). The meals, prepared by our local caterer, will be taken at the Hotel d'Angleterre. In case of cancellation, please inform us no later than October 1st so that we can cancel the meals.

The program of presentations (or plenary lectures) by slots of 15-20 min, will be constituted on the basis of a selection of abstracts by the scientific committee. These abstracts (format example on this site) are to be submitted at the time of your registration in the Connected Space/Filing tab on the left.

Important dates:

Closure of the call for papers: September 3, 2021

Publication of the final program: September 17, 2021

Registration deadline: We reached 100 registrations the 3 September, so sorry no place anymore...


Looking forward to welcoming you in Roscoff

Vibrio (and Vibriophage) Genomics Team


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